Hello!(Emma typing here) I think Emma posted about this on her blog but I wanted to post it on mine too. Early in September, Mom, Emma, Owen, my dad's mom and her 2 sisters, my great Aunt Tiny and Aunt Norma and I ,went up north in Maine to St. John for an O'Leary family reunion. It was fun except for the getting there part. Grammy had rented a nice big van for the trip and she had packed her things in it and dropped it off at our house that afternoon. Then, around early evening, we went and picked up Aunt Tiny and Aunt Norma, who were at Aunt Tiny's house. Then, we went to pick up Grammy who was at her work. Then, we started the 7 1/2 trip to St. John. We finally arrived at our rented house sometime around 1:40-ish. Everyone chose their rooms and slept until 8:47-ish. The first picture on the left is the view from the back deck. When you looked at the other side of the water, you were looking at Canada! We did pass the Border Crossing between the USA and Canada.It was really cool. This next picture is of me standing next to one of my ancestors gravestones. We went to a cemetery that was right next door the next day.

Then, we had the reunion the next day. It lasted all day so it would take way too long for me to tell you everything but it was really cool!

This is a picture we took right before we left. Mom was taking it and Emma was inside with Owen. The lady standing behind Grammy was I think her cousin Alice and the man was her cousin Willy. The lady in the blue shirt right next to Anna is Aunt Norma and Aunt Tiny is in the back. And this is a picture of me that Mommy took by the bridal wreath.
Thanks for looking at my blog!