Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hi! Anna here and tomorrow is HALLOWEEN  and I am so excited! I am going to be a Indian I will show you pics later. Any how here is a game.

  1. get a piece of paper 
  2. right what you were  for halloween last year
  3. print a picture of you last year in your Halloween costume
  4. put the picture and glue it to the paper 
  5. tape it to your door
  6. right do not disturb or this will get you 
Thanks  for looking and have a SPOOKY Halloween


Friday, October 19, 2012

50 post!!!

Hi! Anna here and this is my 50 blog post!! Yeah! And tomorrow, Owen is going to be 3! Can you
believe it? And here are some pictures of Owen.  


Thanks for looking at my blog!



Hi! Anna here and it is pouring rain here! Rain, rain go away please! What is the weather like at your house?

Thanks for looking at my blog!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Think pink.

Hi! Anna here and  tomorrow, I am going to give Emma a surprise party because she is in a bad mood today  :(It is going to be pink- Emma loves pink! See you!!

Thanks for looking!


Friday, September 14, 2012

My cards!!

I like this little pumpkin dude:)
 Hello! Anna here with pictures of my cards-as promised!
'Think pink!'

I love making Halloween cards!!
And Fall cards!!

And more fall cards!!
Thanks for looking at my blog!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ethan and Aaron

Hi!  If you are wondering,  Ethan and Aaron are my brothers. Ethan is 7 and Aaron is 5 and  they  have a blog they share- it is called Busy Boy's Little Workshop. I got  to go ( look here Friday and there will be some new cards )

Thanks for looking at my blog!!


Monday, September 10, 2012


Hi!  Anna here. Here is a picture of my sister Emma (you might  know her-she has 2 blogs Emma's Fun Place and Picture This:By Emma ) Here is her  picture. She used a fun thing on American Girl where you can take a picture of yourself and put your picture on the magazine! It's really cool. 


Thanks for looking at my blog!



Hi!  I just got back from camping!! My cousin Alivia came with us for three nights!! My family want to the Remick Family Farm in NH.  Alivia took this picture of us on top of a big rock. Aaron is behind Anna so you can't see him.  And here is a picture  of Alivia that Emma took.

Isn't she pretty? She is 12 so she's
a lot older than me.
Thanks for looking at my blog!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just some pictures.

We went to Two Lights! There was this
fun rock chair!
Hello! Here are some pictures of what I have been doing lately! Oh, and I will not be going to Jillian's grandparent's house until September. Enjoy the pictures!
Emma took some pictures of me out
by our barn. They are kind of
like 'school pictures' except we

The light was perfect!
I like this one best:)

Then there was a beautiful sunset last
night with the crescent
moon in the background.

Thanks for looking at my blog!

Here is a drawing I did of a rainbow, do you like it?

Monday, August 13, 2012

My cousin Jillian

I love Jill!  She just invited me to her Grammy's and Grampy's house  and they live  next to a lake!!!!!!!!! And me and Jillian are going tubing !! And in their basement, they have a lot of art things. Me and Jill are going Thursday and coming back Friday! See you later!!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hi I am back from camp I loved it!. we are going to Now York stat on friday  see you later


Monday, July 23, 2012

Gone for the week.

Hello everyone! This is Emma. I just wanted to let you know that Anna will not be posting for the week and she won't be emailing either because she is at New England Camp Cedarbrook for the week! (formerly known as Camp Cherith:) But I'm sure she'll have plenty of stuff to post about when she gets back on Saturday. See you later!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Chicken Joke

You know  the joke,  'Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.' But why didn't  the chicken just fly? Hey took the joke book!!!!  


Friday, July 6, 2012


Hi I just got bake from the beach and boy did we find a lot of crab's 5 baby's 4 big crab's and 3 BIG  crab's thank's for looking at  my blog


Friday, June 29, 2012


Hi what would you say if I came up to you and said Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikmaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu? believe it or not that's an actual word .It's the name of a thousand-foot-high hill in New Zealand. The local people just call it Taumata. Cool!  Thanks for looking.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

The 4th of July

Hi this is the card I told you about thanks for looking:)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The 4 of July

Hi I just made a card for the 4 of July  hope you like it I well show you later by for now


Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Beach!

Hi! We just got back  from the beach! It was  really hot but the WATER WAS  COLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We  got Aaron's  kite up in the air for a while and then we got mine up. It was fun!

Thanks for  looking at my blog!


Friday, May 18, 2012

My Easter Card!

Hello! (Emma here) I'm posting kind of late of late but here is Anna's card she made for Children's Challenge Corner. (go on over and check out our brand new challenge!) She used Easter Sunny  from Softpencil Studios. She used Mom's Touch Twin Markers and some brads from Mom's big stash.

Thanks for looking at my blog!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nature Photo Shoot with Emma

Hi! I have done a photo shoot with my sister  Emma.Some of them turned out really nice! The sun was setting and the golden light was perfect for pictures! Enjoy! Also, check out Children's Challenge Corner for the winner of challenge #28 and look for our new April Challenge that will hopefully be posted tomorrow sometime!
I took this picture of our neighbor's forsythia bush.

Go to Emma's blog to see the pictures she took of me
with the daffodils!

Emma took this but I am holding it.It turned out great, didn't it?

I love this one!:)

I took 3 pictures of this same shot except it's closer every time.

Our huge maple tree top.

This little tree was perfect! Don't mind Daddy in the background:)
Here is the 2nd picture.

This one is cute.

Thanks for looking at my blog!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Hi! I have learned how to swear in Shakespeare .

You quintessence of dust!
Mad mustachio'd purple-hued malt-worm!
Valiant flea!
Dunghill groom!
Bedlam brainsick duchess!
Bolting-hutch of beastliness!
(Emma's personal favorite) Foul fiend Flibbertibbet!
King of codpieces!
Gross watery pumpion!
Spotted snake with double tongue!
A pox of wrinkles (on thee)!
A bugbear take you!
A plague o' pickle-herring (upon thee)!

I like the worm. I  learned it in a book called  "The Sisters Club" by Megan McDonald. .


Friday, February 17, 2012

The Wonder Pets

Hi, I love the Wonder Pets. I am going to type some of it.

Hi Ming Ming, 
Hello Oliver.
It's Ollie. 
Can I ask you a question?
You just did.
Oh well here's another, who was the first animal you ever saved.
Oh that's easy, the first animal we ever saved was an ant.
No Ming Ming it was a worm.
An ant.
A Worm.

If you want to watch more of the Wonder Pets go to Netflix.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Cool Cat

Hi I  have to admit I haven't posted a card in a while but here's a cat that will make you  feel like you want to dance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hi! I made this card for a new challenge blog's first challenge. The challenge blog is called Jellypark Juniors. The challenge is, Anything Goes. I made the brad  with a pink brad and a heart that had  a hole .The adorable image is from The Greeting Farm. I got the cool spikey piece of light brown paper from Mom's srcap box.

Thanks for looking at my blog!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Party Post!

 Hello! Here is my Party Post as promised but just kind of late. Here is my snowman cake,made by Emma and me. Isn't he adorable and delicious?

Here is my first present. A wooden ballerina doll with magnetic clothing and markers and glitter pens to decorate

                      Sorry about the dark picture. This is a really soft sweater that Nana gave me with a matching headband.
                        This was my favorite present. My purple hippo Pillow Pet whom I named Lilac.
                                                Don't we make the cutest little pair?
Thanks for looking at my blog!
